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                     4.What  happened  in  days  before  the    ranking officer of the government, all persons
              Fall of Saigon?                                   who  worked  closely  with  the  US  military/  US
                     Days before the Fall of Saigon, the real   government were put in the re-education camp
              forces  of  the  North  Vietnam  (named  as  the   to endure cruel policies for a long time (years)
              Vietnamese  People’s  Armed  Forces  by  the      with  mental  terrorization,  physical  torment,
              North Vietnam) with their own uniforms, with      hunger  suffering,  and  hard  labor.  Many
              new  amunition,  weapons,  mortars,  cannons,     prisoners  died  due  to  starvation  and  illness.
              tanks  …crossed  the  17   latitude,  then  joined   There was little food and medicine because the
              the  regional  forces  (Viet  Cong)  built  by  them   communsts have no heart.
              long time ago to attack the South Vietnamese
              Armed  Forces.  At  that  same  time,  the  US         8.What is My Lai Massacre?
              government  decided  to  stop  all  support              On  March  16,  1968,  American  soldiers
              financially  and  materially  (even  including    had  to  bombard  a  village  because  a  group  of
              amuunition,  weapons,  gasoline,  foods).  The    Viet  Cong  attacked  them  and  then  occupied
              last struck on Saigon on April 30, 1975 resulted   the  village,  scattered  in  the  family  homes  (a
              as  the  surrender  of  the  South  Vietnamese    kind of using the village people as a shield to
              government. The Capital City Saigon was then      protect their troops). Because of the situation
              renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The movement was        from  that  civilians  and  ennemies  were  mixed
              led  by  the  North  Vietnam  General  Van  Tien   up,  casualties  of  people,  including  old  men,
              Dung.                                             women,  and  children  are  so  much,  then  the
                                                                Viet  Cong  made  a  propaganda  that  the
                     5. Who were the important persons in       American  soldiers  massacred  the  innocent
              charge?                                           village people.
                     The main persons in charge were Ho Chi
              Minh,  Phạm Văn  Đồng, Lê  Duẩn,  Lê  Đức  Thọ,          9.What  happened  to  the  South
              Võ Nguyên Giáp.                                   Vietnamese  Armed  Forces  Officers  and  their
                                                                families after the War?
                      6. What  was  the  aftermath  of  the            While thousands of officers were killed,
              Vietnam War?                                      the survivors were put in prisons known as re-
                     After  the  end  of  the  Vietnam  War,    education  camps,  wounded/disable  soldiers
              almost  all  the  Vietnamese  found  ways  to     had  no  care  and  services,  their  families  were
              escape  the  country.  They left  on  boats,  some   separated  without  husbands  and  became
              on  foot,  and  referred  to  as  boat  people.   homeless because much of their property was
              Thousands of people were killed in the sea and    taken away from them.
              forests.  Many  took  revenge,  retalation  if  left
              behind.                                                  10.Who  got  to  come  to  the  United
                                                                States when the war ended? Why?
                     7.What is re-education camp?                      In  1989,  the  United  States  Congress
                     Re-education  is  a  kind  of  prison  in  voted  for  a  special  humanitarian  program
              Vietnam,  as  a  form  of  prison  camp  in       known  as  the  Humanitarian  Operation  (HO
              communist regime to humiliate, to torment the     Program).  This  program  allowed  Vietnamese
              anti-communists,    or   the   persons    who     prisoners of war that had been held in the re-
              served/cooperaed  with  the  ennemies  of         education/concentration camps for three years
              communist  regime.  Therefore,  all  officers  of   or  more  to  apply  to  immigrate  to  the  United
              the  South  Viet  Nam  Armed  Forces,  all  high
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