He moved
in our neighborhood sometime in early 1974. His
family - wife and seven children - soon earned
sympathy from people along the paved alley of a
Saigon suburb where most inhabitants were in
lower middle class. His eldest son was about
thirty years old and a first lieutenant in the
Army Medical branch after graduated pharmacist
from the Medical School. The youngest was a
15-year-old pretty girl.
It would
have been a happy family if Saigon had not
fallen to the hands of the Communist North
Vietnam army. That was what people in the
neighborhood said about the middle-aged RVN Army
Major Dang Si Vinh, who was holding a job in the
National Police Headquarters in Saigon.
At about
2:00 PM on April 30, 1975, almost two hours
after RVN President Duong Van Minh surrendered
to the Communists, people near by heard several
pistol reports from his home. After hesitating
for safety, his neighbors got into his home to
find Major Vinh, his wife and his seven children
lying each on a single mattress, all dead, each
by one .45 caliber bullet that gushed pools of
blood from the horrible holes at their temples.
On a long
dining table, decent meals had been served and
eaten as if in an usual and peaceful dinner.
There were nine small glasses, all had traces of
a pink powder left at their bottoms. Apparently,
Maj. Vinh and his relatives had taken the drug -
probably sleeping pills - before Vinh gave each
a finishing stroke with his .45 pistol.
In an open
small safe he left some hundreds of thousands
South Vietnam piaster, rated about 500 dollars
at the time, an indication of his poor
circumstances as an army major. On the note
along with the money, Vinh wrote:
"Forgive us. Because our family would not live
under the Communist regime, we have to end our
lives this way that might be bothering you.
Please inform my only sibling, a sister named
... at... and use this money to help her bury us
anywhere. "
"Thank you,"
"Dang Si Vinh."
The fall
of Saigon drove many people into not only
suicide but serious mental disorder as well. Ten
years later, some physicians said that at least
one thousand people around the Saigon area
suffered incurable insanity on that day of the
Black April.
Maj. Vinh
was one among many others who committed suicide
on and after April 30, 1975. Those who committed
suicide were mostly officers, politicians,
government officials, and young NCOs were
estimated at several hundreds. But only some
famous cases were fully recorded.
General, deputy commander of the IV
Corps/Military Region 4 at Can Tho. Hung was
born in Gia Dinh province near Saigon.
In 1954,
he was drafted and received training in the Thu
Duc Reserve Officers School, Class 5, graduated
second-lieutenant in January 1955. In January
1959, First Lieutenant Hung was the 32nd
Infantry Regiment S-2 when the Viet Cong
conducted a surprise attack at the regiment base
camp in Trang Sup, Tay Ninh province, and took
away a large number of weapons. As the duty
officer of the regiment headquarters, he bravely
commanded the reconnaissance platoon, the only
soldiers present in the barracks, to resist and
to protect the other parts of the headquarters
and other materials and equipment from being
destroyed or lost.
In 1961 he
was appointed Chief of Police Department of Vinh
Binh province, and later a battalion commander
when he was a captain in 1964. In 1967, he
became the commander, 31st Infantry Regiment.
Then he was assigned province chief of Phong
Dinh (Can Tho). June 1971, Hung was given the
command of the 5th Infantry Division and
promoted brigadier general in 1 March 1972. He
proved to be a talented and brave infantry
commander in the bloody battle of An Loc during
the Summer 1972 Campaign. He held firmly the
city of An Loc under the enemy fierce attacks
that lasted 2 months.
Until his
death, Hung had successively been assistant
commander, III Corps/Military Region 3;
commander, 21st Infantry Division; and deputy
commander, IV Corps/Military Region 4.
At 8:30
PM, 30 April 1975, his troops still kept the
city of Can Tho under control. A delegation of
the city people came to see him and convinced
him - as he was the deputy commander - that his
ARVN forces should not fight to death as they
certainly would, because the people. were sure
that the Communists would spare nobody in Can
Tho in order to win. They would not hesitate to
shell Can Tho into rubble. General Le Van Hung
and the commander, General Nguyen Khoa Nam,
dropped their intention to fight to the last
bullet. Hung then said farewell to his men, his
wife and children before he killed himself by a
.45 pistol. It was 8:45 PM, 30 April 1975.
general, commander, 5th Infantry Division at Lai
Khe. General Vy was born in Son Tay province,
North Vietnam. He graduated from the officers
candidate course in the Regional Military
School, Military Region II at Phu Bai near Hue,
Class 1951.
receiving the order to surrender, General Vy
committed suicide by a pistol at 11:00 AM, 30
April 1975 at the division headquarters in Lai
general, commander IV Corps and Military Region
4. General Nam was born in Quang Nam province.
He was drafted and graduated from Thu Duc
Reserve Officers School, Class 3 in 1953..
Nam was highly respected by his subordinates,
his equals, even his superiors, as well as the
people in his region ever since he commanded the
7th Infantry Division. His spirit of discipline
made him a good example to his soldiers.
At 11:30
PM, 30 April 1975, General Nam killed himself
after saying farewell to his staff and talking
by telephone with General Le Van Hung, who had
ended his life earlier.
general, commander, 7th Infantry Division at
Dong Tam, near My Tho.
Hai was born in Phong Dinh province (Can Tho).
He graduated from the Dalat Military Academy,
Class 7, 1951. Hai was renown of being
incorruptible, outspoken and brave. In 1968, he
was commanding the Ranger Branch Command,
directly supervising the Ranger's raid to clear
the enemy force that infiltrated into the
business quarter of Cho Lon area. He was then
assigned National Police Chief. In 1970 he was
commander, Special Tactical Area 44... before
commanding the 7th Division.
He won the
adoration of everyone who once worked with him,
as he was renown of being incorruptible. At
midnight, 30 April 1975, he committed suicide at
the Division Headquarters, Dong Tam Army Base.
II Corps/Military Region 2. General Phu was born
in Ha Dong, North Vietnam. He graduated the
Dalat Military Academy, Class 8. In 1954, Phu
was a company officer in the 5th Parachutist
Battalion of the Army of the State of Vietnam,
fighting beside the French in Dien Bien Phu.
In the RVN
Army, Phu had been commander of the RVN Special
Force, the 2nd Infantry Division, Quang Trung
Training Center, before taking the command of
the II Corps/Military Region II in Pleiku. His
troops suffered heavy losses on the way of
withdrawal to the coastal areas in April 1975.
Phu committed suicide on 30 April 1975 in
He was one
who elected to commit suicide by fighting to
Ho Ngoc
Can was admitted in the RVN Junior Military
Academy when he was 14 years old. After
graduation, he served 4 years as an instructor
sergeant in the same academy. In 1961, he
attended the Officer Candidates Course at the
Dong De NCO Academy and was the distinguished
graduate of the course in 1962.
commissioned, Can served the Ranger Corps as a
platoon leader. He was promoted to captain in
1965, to major in 1968, to lieutenant colonel in
1971, and to full colonel in 1974. He was
successfully commanding the 1/33 Battalion (21st
Infantry Division), the 15th Regiment (9th Inf.
Div.). In 1974, Can was appointed province chief
of Chuong Thien Province, Vietnam deep south
On April
30, 1975, he refused to surrender to the enemy.
Along with his troops, Can was fighting with all
his might, holding the provincial headquarters
until 11:00 PM on May 1, when his forces were
out of ammunition. In the last minutes, he
ordered the soldiers to leave the headquarters
for safety while he and a faithful Popular Force
militiaman covered them with a machine gun.
He fell
into the hands of the Communist force after he
failed an attempt to kill himself. He told the
enemy that he wouldn't surrender, and asked them
to let him salute the RVN colors with his
uniform on before the execution.
Can was
publicly executed by the Communist firing squad
after a quick summary trial at a Communist
cheaply staged court martial.